Monday, January 21, 2008

Enjoy a few pictures from our home during the Christmas holiday. There are two shots to show my belly. One where you cannot tell, and the other you could see a few changes about the time where my jeans were getting tight close to Dec 25 (14 weeks). And there is another picture of Andy and myself beside Charles' pool table wearing my new t-shirt from Alyssa. It reads "Pregnant is the new sexy."

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The first weeks

I took a home pregnancy test on October 16, 2007. It was positive within about 10 seconds, even though the instructions say to wait 3 minutes. I was giggling with excitement! I remember jumping in the shower, not running to Andy yet-he was still sleeping, to think of a way I was going to tell him he was soon to be a Daddy! Well, I jumped out before I could turn on the water. As I ran out of the bathroom, he met me face to face. Showing him the positive result was a wonderful feeling that I will never forget. We were nervous, shocked, and excited beyond words.

Our first ultrasound was at 9 weeks. Ob/Gyn Associates of Danville are our physicians and they performed the first ultrasound on November 20, 2007. Take a look at this alien looking being. Of course, Andy asked Dr. Ensminger to take another "swoop" around to see if there were twins. The answer was a resounding "no" for two; we are only expecting one Stoler baby. One thing's for sure, our due date was confirmed for June 23, 2008. Just in time for school to let out for Andy. What a wonderful summer ahead; we are blessed.

With our news, we were the 4th of pregnancies. Molly and Matt, Andy's sister and husband, are expecting their first May 11, 2008. Friends, Stephanie and Aaron White are due with baby girl # 2 on May 26, 2008. Other friends, Amy and Thomas Cullen are expecting May 31, 2008. Like Molly and Matt, and Amy and Thomas, Andy and I are not finding out the sex of the baby.

No time like the present

This is my first blog ever! My cousin, Amanda, turned me on to this idea about a year or more ago. From afar I was able to "watch" her son Sam and newly 1 year old, Arlo, grow! Her family resided in Washington state and recently moved to Michigan. So, like my cousin, I wanted to create this space for Andy and I to share our lives and latest joy with our friends and family, whether near or far.

There is no time like the present! I am now 17 weeks pregnant with our first baby and we could not think of a better reason to start a blog. After visiting many blogs the past few years, I always thought it would be nice to share a moment and pictures of our newlywed life. Now, that it is about to change. And we are progressing quickly into our parenting years!