Saturday, February 16, 2008

Over half way

February 5 marked our half way point for our pregnancy. So many changes have happened in the last few days. I can feel the baby move pretty much everyday. My appetite has definitely increased, as suggested by Dr. Newell my last visit in January. I have also noticed my sense of protectiveness kicking in gear; it is as if I mentally think I have a baby already born. For example, I hate to admit this, but I am a little more cautious on the roads now, I am more aware of my surroundings when walking, shopping, etc.

On Saturday, February 9, we met our Sunday School class for dinner at our preacher's house. Since we all are around the same age or older and most have children, it was nice to hear the mom's agree with what I am experiencing and they concur that they had the same "motherly" feeling before the birth. The dads on the otherhand, agreed that they noticed their wives belly grow, but reality sank in when the baby was loaded into the car seat for the first ride home. Anyone agree with all this? Am I just weird to start being protective of my belly, of myself on the roads, and more cautious running into the grocery store?

Today, Saturday, February 16, Andy and I are traveling to Charlottesville for the night. We have tickets to see the Blue Man Group performing at John Paul Jones Arena. I bought the tickets for Andy's birthday (November 18). This will be the baby's second concert/event. The first was the Trans-Siberian Orchestra in Columbus, OH, on December 27 at 3:00 p.m.

1 comment:

Amanda Cunningham said...

Shannon and Andy, I love your blog! Its so nice to still feel "connected" even though we are hours apart. Thanks for sharing and again I am so happy for you all! Love, Amanda