Monday, June 30, 2008

Week 1

Anna Campbell has had so many visitors. Between the hospital visitors and family and friends that have visited at our home, we have been very busy-and tired! At her 1 week old visit (Monday, June 23-her due date), Dr. Hungarland measured her weight at a whopping 6 pounds even! She is still 19 1/4 inches long. Anna's hospital discharge weight was 5 pounds 10 ounces, 2 ounces less than her birth weight. We called the lactation consultant, Marianna, to tell her of Anna Campbell's progress. She was extremely pleased with her weight gain in just one week, as was Dr. Hungarland. She is still a little jaundice so we are still spending about 20 minutes outside in the morning and having her sit near the windows while inside. But overall, it looks like we are doing well.

Anna Campbell is nursing about every 2- 2.5 hours. Andy is doing all the housework and chores. It has been very nice to have home cooked meals by Carolyn, Mama, Shae, and friends. We did make it out to Kristen's bridal luncheon on day 6. Take a look at a few pictures. One is with her great-grandparents, Campbell's-her namesake, and then pix taken around the house, of her feet, and of course at her first doctor's visit.

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