Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

Wow! Time is flying by so quickly. Anna Campbell has grown so much in the first few weeks. Of course there are pictures to view.

For the 4th, Carolyn -aka- MawMaw, and Uncle Bill, came to visit. We had a nice time at the lake on the new boat dock. As most of you know, I love the 4th of July. Anna Campbell wore several outfits that had been given to her. One with the American Girl logo was from Nana. She wore a bib that said "Baby's first 4th" from MawMaw, and the butterfly outfit with the open back was from Shae. She was so darn cute dressed in her holiday attire. Andy and I love the summer dress too (it is brightly colored).

We have learned that Anna Campbell loves to be held upright. This seems to be the magic position to soothe her. Nana and MawMaw were both sad to learn this because they like to cradle their grandbabies! She will let you cradle her, but only if she is ready to sleep. If her tummy hurts, then she prefers to be upright!

Mom and Dad are resting as much as we can. She is still getting up twice in the night for full feedings. We expect this to remain for a few more weeks and then she will start slowing down to more like once a night.

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